Illustrator & Graphic Designer

Hear Humanity (2021)

Hear Humanity is a hypothetical project brief done for the audio-entertainment company Audible to promote their platform. Hear Humanity is an Ad Campaign based around “The Power of Listening”, and shows the tapestry of humanity through iconic speeches and words made throughout history, and how important listening to these words are.

And that by listening with Audible, which features a large collection of recordings of these speeches as well as audio versions of books where these words come from, they too partake in the Power of Listening and join in this wondrous tapestry that makes up humanity. 

A possible Ad Banner for use in train station platforms. Each banner is based on an existing iconic speech, with this version being of Winston Churchill’s “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech delivered in 1941 after the British had to evacuate their forces from Dunkirk during World War 2, and Churchill had to boost the morale of the nation and its people. 

Another variant of the banner featuring Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963 during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, to fight for Civil Rights and Equality, and to end racial segregation in 60s America.

The banners makes use of Audio AR features, whereby if one points their phone camera over the ad banner they would get to hear a snippet of the speech audio as well as view some accompanying animation of the banner. Below the page, they would be directed to audio books by Audible that concern either the history of the speech or the speech itself, and other related media one might enjoy.

A series of other key visuals, each corresponding to their respective Ad Banner.  They all feature an  image of a radio from that time era, as well as a background of some key contest for their respective speech,  making it feel as if one really were listening to said speech over the radio at that time.


Ad Mockups for Social Media as well as Spotify. These advertisements feature audio snippets of iconic speeches to capture the attention of audiences, set to a key visual image, thereby immersing the audience in the speech.

Another variant of Social Media posts, where the post supplies trivia about the different snippets in the banners the viewers will come across, explaining it’s historical significance and why it is important when one thinks about the context of the speech. It is a fun way to attract attention as well as explain the significance of the banner to those who might not know.